Hear our people share their view on Sei-katsu-sha Insight,
And how it delivered successful solutions to our clients.
The centerpiece of Hakuhodo’s philosophy is sei-katsu-sha insight. Here at Hakuhodo we describe people not simply as consumers but as sei-katsu-sha — fully rounded individuals with their own lifestyles, aspirations, and dreams. In economics, the term consumer is used in contradistinction to producer. Though handy, it has only a narrow meaning. But human beings don’t exist solely to consume. There’s much more to them than that. They are residents, citizens, voters, and maybe workers. Each falls into a certain age group — child, young person, middle-aged, elderly — and is an individual male or female in their own right. Each is somebody’s son or daughter, and perhaps a parent. At Hakuhodo we use the term sei-katsu-sha to encompass all these facets of the human condition. Going beyond the consumer to understand the whole person and imagine the products and services they desire: that’s the Hakuhodo approach.
Hakuhodo views marketing as a practical science. We conduct extensive research, collate data, and rigorously apply our findings to the field of communication. By detecting changes in the media environment and the behavior of sei-katsu-sha, we are able to support our client’s marketing activities and even involve sei-katsu-sha in the process of creating new marketing approaches.
Global HABIT is a proprietary Hakuhodo database of single-source data that elucidates product usage; consumer perceptions and habits; brand evaluations; TV program, magazine and other media contact; and the personal affiliations, life values and circumstances of individual sei-katsu-sha.
The Global HABIT database makes available for analysis approximately 220,000 samples from males and females aged 15–54 in 37 cities around the world.
What is Hakuhodo Institute of Life and Living ASEAN?
A think tank dedicated to studying sei-katsu-sha
Established in 2014, Hakuhodo Institute of Life and Living ASEAN (HILL ASEAN) is the Hakuhodo Group’s new think tank in the ASEAN region. It is dedicated to helping companies with their marketing efforts in ASEAN countries, as well as observing the new lifestyles emerging in this dynamic region and sharing ideas about them. In going about that mission, it will tap the impressive body of expertise that Hakuhodo has built up on sei-katsu-sha — our term for the holistic person — in the thirty-odd years since launching the Hakuhodo Institute of Life and Living in Japan in 1981.